Welcome to myPerthHuron

myPerthHuron is a project of United Way Perth-Huron and Social Research & Planning Council. It aims to provide reliable and useful information about the various communities in Perth County and Huron County in Southwestern Ontario.

This is a resource to help track the well-being of our communities, from our strengths to our challenges.

Traditional measures like GDP (Gross Domestic Product) focus only on big-picture economic factors. These dashboards show a greater variety of data-points for a more well-rounded view of our communities.

Homelessness and housing waitlist numbers are updated monthly. All other data-points are updated less frequently.

This site is a work-in-progress. We welcome your feedback. 

Population & Demographics

This dashboard presents various demographic and diversity indicators, allowing us to take a closer look at the people in the Perth and Huron region. Understanding the demographics of our community is like having a roadmap to meet unique needs. This allows us to use details such as age, gender, household characteristics and geography to tailor programs and services that resonate with the community's specific needs.
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Housing & Homelessness 

These indicators help residents and service providers understand the growing unaffordability of housing in Perth-Huron and the challenges faced by residents experiencing homelessness.
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Community Capacity

The community data looks at the strength, activity and inclusiveness of relationships between residents, the private sector, the public sector, and community groups that foster individual and collective well-being. In this section, we explore indicators of participation in voluntary organizations, recreation support, library use, community growing and assistance, and democratic engagement.
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Income & Employment

Employment and income are significant contributors to the overall quality of life in a community. The Income & Employment dashboard explores the individual and household incomes in Perth and Huron, employment and unemployment rates, food insecurity, and the impact that small businesses and non-profits have on the economy.
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Our physical and mental health and the quality of our social environment all play into our quality of life. This dashboard explores factors contributing to individual adult health, youth wellbeing, and community safety and wellbeing.
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The environment around us is key to our existence. Our forests, rivers, lakes and soil provide us with the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Our health and prosperity rely on the natural world and we must keep it healthy to survive. This dashboard explores the air quality in Perth and Huron, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, forest and water conditions, and waste and recycling rates.
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